There are four different categories of blocks in front of the player. The player's task is to fill in all the niches and create a puzzle game. In the game, you need to combine four words into one group according to a certain characteristic. Pre-come up with the name of the game round and optionally specify the name of the author.
Choose a category and select four words for each category. For example, you can add fries, rice, sushi, salad to the food category. As soon as one block is filled, it will be coloured in a certain colour.
Once the game is created and all the categories are filled in, you can try playing it. Combine words by category and get the result. To do this, you should sequentially click on words that belong to the same category or are united by a common theme. The words are grouped by topic and highlighted in the same colour.
The game allows you to train your thinking, logic and memory. The task is available for both adult players and the youngest participants. Enjoy solving traditional puzzles and have a good time.