Wordle 2

Wordle 2 is a puzzle game about solving encrypted words. This time, the player has to guess a six-letter word.

Guess the encrypted word and use the coloured hints to choose the next word. The player has six attempts to guess.

After each option entered, the letters are coloured in certain colours. If the letter is not in the guess, the tile turns grey. An orange indicator shows that the letter needs to be moved to another position in the word. Green indicates letters that are in their place.

The difficulty and length of the word can be adjusted in the settings section. The player can choose words from 4 to 11 letters.

Choose the language of the game and enjoy interesting puzzles that have conquered the world. There are 18 languages available in the list, and there is also English for children. This option allows you to use the game for educational purposes.

The game has a daily mode. Players have to guess the word within 24 hours. The next day, the word changes. This helps to feel the excitement and spirit of competition. If you're ready for a challenge, choose the difficult mode. In each subsequent attempt, be sure to use the hints from the previous one.

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